× [PR]上記の広告は3ヶ月以上新規記事投稿のないブログに表示されています。新しい記事を書く事で広告が消えます。 所在 東京都港区赤坂6-10-12(赤坂氷川神社) 東京都指定有形文化財 赤坂氷川神社社殿 昭和27年(1952)11月8日指定 この社殿は、本殿・幣殿・拝殿の三つの建物が一体となった、いわゆる権現造の形式です。 江戸幕府の第8代将軍である徳川吉宗によって享保15年(1730年)に建てられました。吉宗は『享保の改革』と呼ばれる倹約政策をとったことで有名で、社殿にも当時の質実簡素な気風を見ることが出来ます。通常は将軍の寄進するような社寺であれば、軒下の組物を何重にも重ねたりするのですが、この社殿の組物は簡素で、彫刻も目立ちません。しかしただ簡素なだけではなく、大きな雲形組物や吹寄せ垂木など軽快な意匠を取り入れる工夫も見られます。また全体は朱漆塗としながら、部分的に黒漆塗や黒色金具を用いることで引き締まった印象となっています。 平成22年(2010年)3月 東京都教育委員会 Tangible Cultural Property(Building) Hikawa-jinja Syaden 1730 Main building: 3-bay structure with an asymmetrically balanced gable, using ribbed seam roofing coated with copper plate; with cloisters on both sides. Offering hall: 3-bay* wide and 1-bay* deep Worship hall: 5-bay* wide and 3-bay* deep structure with half-hipped roof using ribbed seam roofing coated with copper plate; the hall has further a cloister with railing and a protruding 1-bay structure with an undulating gable at eave ends, using ribbed seam roofing coated with copper plate; entirely painted with vermilion lacquer * 1 bay = 1.8m, provided that this measure, as converted into the metric one, varies according to the period The shrine buildings are built in a complex or so-called gongen-zukuri style, in which the main building, the offering hall and the worship hall are integrated into a single structure. The shrine was built by Tokugawa Yoshimune, the eighth shogun of the Edo shogunate, who was also famous for his Kyoho reforms, a series of frugal measures. The shrine buildings also evidence an unwillingness to decorate and respect for simplicity from the Yoshimune's period. Normally shoguns made donations to shrines and temples by piling up several sets of woodblock prints and decorating buildings with full of sculptures and a variety of colors, but in case of the shrine under this section, sets of prints are simple and sculptures are discreet. However, donators did not seek for simplicity only, and efforts for smart design are also observed, like a large cloud-shaped set of prints and a layout of pairs of rafters, with each pair being spaced apart. Moreover, the buildings are painted as a whole with vermilion lacquer, while black lacquer and black metal fittings are used in part so as to yield a tight appearance. Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education
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